


Save Sculpture at UWIC/CSAD

UWIC (University of Wales Institute Cardiff)/CSAD (Cardiff School of Art and Design) (more affectionately known as Howard Gardens) seems to be being dismantled from within. Last year the Time Based department was shut down, and now they’ve announced a summary execution of Sculpture.

This is clearly a VERY BAD IDEA. ….


Sign the petition:


A protest rally against the closure of the department will be held at UWIC’s Llandaff Campus at 4.00pm today (14th of December). All welcome!

2 Responses to “Save Sculpture at UWIC/CSAD”

  1. I have been the head of several sculpture departments in art colleges both in Wales and in London. For the past 20 years I have worked in my own studios and have had many sculpture students and assistants working with me and for me, so I do consider that I have some knowledge of the situation. To close the sculpture department at UWIC would be a major step backwards both in educational terms and in the wider responsibility context to the cultural of Wales and wider afield. The ability to learn skills is very valuable and is the most direct way of appreciating what sculpture is about, let alone the ability to earn aliving in the future. I employ sculptors and find it increasingly difficult to find well trained students who I can trust to complete a job.

    Posted by David Petersen on:

  2. I doubt the art school chose this, why send them the petition….better to aim your petition at this ignorant government.

    Posted by stanislav korkovich on:

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